Pokemon Home
Paldean Living Dex
The Paldean Living Dex is our flagship Gen 9 package for Pokemon Home. Get every Pokemon that exists in Scarlet and Violet, with add-ons to cover the entire Home Dex.
Galarian Living Dex
The Galarian Living Dex is our flagship Gen 8 package for Pokemon Home. Get every Pokemon that exists in Sword and Shield (Galar, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra).
To transfer Pokemon to Pokemon Home using your Nintendo Account, you'll need a Home Premium Subscription. You MUST have this before making your purchase.
This transfer method involves us temporarily accessing your account and sending Pokemon from our game directly into your account.
Unlike the Moving Key variant, we are also able to send additional Pokemon with your order directly to Home. For example, if you purchase any listings using this method, you can add on listings meant for SWSH, LA, or SV, and have them sent to your Home along with your order. Note that items cannot be stored on Home and will be ignored.
Unlike in-game trades, no actual trading is done. Upon providing your Nintendo Account details at Checkout, the Pokemon will appear in your empty boxes when we are done. No junk Pokemon is required. However, ensure you have enough consecutive empty boxes for us to load in or the order will be truncated.
- Login to your Nintendo Account at https://accounts.nintendo.com/.
- Under [Sign-in and security settings], change your password to something temporary that we can use. Please avoid using complicated passwords. We have to type this out manually. Single words like "Password" works.
- Under [Sign-in method], make sure it is "E-mail address or sign-in ID".
- Under [2-Step Verification settings], make sure it is "Not set". If you have 2-Step Verification enabled, please remove the protection for the duration of this transaction. You can add it back after.
- Provide us with your Nintendo Account details at Checkout. Ensure the details provided allow us to login by checking again at https://accounts.nintendo.com/. If you can't log in, neither can we.
- If your Nintendo Account is not in the same country as your Billing Address (e.g., you live in Brazil, but your Nintendo Account is set to the United States), please write the country in Order Notes at Checkout.
- Within 24 hours (generally less), we will transfer the Pokemon directly into your Pokemon Home account and let you know when the transaction is complete.
- We'll sign out of your account automatically, but you can confirm this by additionally pressing "Sign out" in your Nintendo Account page, under [Sign-in history]. You can then change your password and re-enable 2-Step Verification if required.
Past-Generations Living Dex
The Past-Generations Living Dex features every Pokemon from Generations 1 to 7 – from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola.
To transfer Pokemon to Pokemon Home using a Moving Key, you'll need a Home Premium Subscription. You MUST have this before claiming your Pokemon.
This transfer method involves us sending Pokemon from Gen 1-7 via Pokemon Bank on our 3DS to your Home account. Gen 8 Pokemon, which do not exist on the 3DS, cannot be sent through this method. Note that you do NOT need a 3DS on your side.
Delivery from other listings, such as ones from USUM or SWSH, is NOT supported (explanation).
Unlike in-game trades, no actual trading is done. Upon providing the Moving Key, all Pokemon are moved into your Home account at once. No junk Pokemon is required.
- ONLY when prompted during collection, select Move in the main menu.
- Select Begin Move.
- Follow the steps until you see a Moving Key. Screenshot, take a photo, or copy the key and send it as fast as possible. We must enter it within 3 minutes.
- ONLY when prompted during collection, bring up the Menu and choose Options.
- Select Move Pokemon.
- Select Begin move!
- Follow the steps until you see a Moving Key. Screenshot, take a photo, or copy the key and send it as fast as possible. We must enter it within 3 minutes.