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Fast and Exactly as described. Will purchase from Rawkhet again. Thanks again!
Fast and Exactly as described. Will purchase from Rawkhet again. Thanks again!
Fast and Exactly as described. Will purchase from Rawkhet again. Thanks again!
Same day service and received exactly what I requested:D
Nice and easy! Thanks again!
Very fast and reliable! Instructions were clear and concise. I got everything that I paid for. Will be back to get more if needed. Very happy customer! 🙂
Huge credit to Rawkhet for working with me so closely despite the recent Pokemon Home snafu being under maintenance on the 27th. As expected, they kept excellent communication and set proper expectations on the FAQ page and trading guide, so the end result was smooth as butter today once the team was available - all of the pokemon transferred over smoothly and as expected. Would absolutely recommend to others who might not have the time (or energy!) to do a living dex due to life circumstances. Greatly appreciate this service and the team - thank you!
Very fast and easy.
Im sure to still Buy Pokémons
Genial día para todos
Ordering this package made me feel like a kid in a candy store. Being able to play around with any Pokémon without worry of messing up it’s EVs is a wonderful feeling of freedom and experimentation! This package helps bring over older HOMEJAILED Pokémon that simply cannot easily transfer HOME anymore.