FREE GameStop Shiny Toxtricity
That’s right, FREE! No purchase required. We’re giving away codes to the GameStop Shiny Toxtricity that is being distributed at GameStop (or EB Games). This isn’t the best time to be out and about – so we want to make the codes readily available.
To get a Mystery Gift code, just drop us a message on any of our channels (but please don’t spam) and we’ll reply within 24 hours.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and let’s enjoy the 25th Anniversary of Pokemon together!
Update (Feb 26): There’s yet ANOTHER Mystery Gift being distributed now, a Pikachu with Sing. Get it with the static code “P25MUS1C”!
Update (Mar 18): After about 3,000 codes, looks like demand for this has died down and we will cease giving it out. Hope everyone enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next Pokemon Pass giveaway!
Oops, I didn’t realize on my phone’s web browser at first that this was just a comment on the blog post instead of a sending a message using the form at the bottom of . Sorry, I’ll go there now thanks. Happy Pokemon catching everyone!
May I have a GameStop Shiny Toxtricity code? Thanks!
As mentioned, message us on any of our channels.