Payment Verification at Checkout
Recently, we had a case where a kid used his father’s credit card to make a purchase resulting in a not so nice exchange with Bank of America. To prevent this from happening in the future, we are requiring that all purchases through Stripe¹ will now go through 3D Secure Verification. PayPal is unaffected and there are no changes there.
For most customers, this is business as usual and probably nothing you haven’t seen before. When performing a Checkout through Stripe in the future, you may be prompted for additional information from your bank through “Verified by VISA”, “MasterCard SecureCode”, or “AMEX SafeKey”. This is for your bank or card issuer to confirm you are the cardholder, providing for a 2-factor authentication on your transaction to prevent misuse.
Examples of 3D Secure prompts
While this adds a slight delay to the Checkout step, we believe it is a necessary evil to protect both ourselves and our customers. We’d like to reiterate that payment (including the 3D Secure Verification) does not happen on Rawkhet’s website itself and is handled by our payment processors (in this case, Stripe).
If your bank is pretty sure you are who you are (e.g. repeat customer), this step may be skipped completely.
If you are unable to checkout with Stripe or are not comfortable with these steps, you may continue to use PayPal which also accepts any credit or debit card, no account necessary.
And kids, please ask for permission before you use your parents’ cards. It’s not worth it!
¹Stripe: A payment processor used by over a million companies. You may not have heard of them, but you’ve definitely used them in apps like Uber, Spotify, and Amazon.