Listings for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
As usual, fastest in the world. New listings have been released for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. They are:
- Legendaries Package (30x, 6IV, Shiny, Battle Ready)
- Ditto Package (25x, All Natures, Breeding Items, 6IV, Shiny, Foreign, Japanese)
- Starters Package (12x, 6IV, Shiny, Hidden Abilities)
- Evolved Starters Package (12x, 6IV, Shiny, Hidden Abilities)
- Eeveelutions Package (8x, 6IV, Shiny, Battle Ready)
- Unown Package (28x, All Forms, 6IV, Shiny)
- Mew (6IV, Battle Ready)
- Jirachi (6IV, Battle Ready)
- Fossils Package (7x, 6IV, Shiny, Battle Ready)
Please take note that there will be surge pricing in effect at this time. This may end up becoming permanent, depending on how we assess the complexity of the trade system in BDSP. Trading is significantly more complicated than in Sword and Shield.
Custom Pokemon for BDSP will not be available at the moment, pending evaluation of the above. Thank you for your understanding. Edit: To be clear, we have absolutely no ETA on this.