Listings for Mewtwo Raids Now Live
Hello Trainers! Our listings to support you for the Mewtwo Raid are now live!
First off, two different Mew sets have been added to the Raid Killers listing. They are the Mew (Attacker) and Mew (Support), each playing an important role in the fight against Mewtwo. Both are from the GETY0URMEW event (remember to claim yours if you haven’t), have been trained up to their respective roles, and already have the Mightiest Mark obtained by defeating Mewtwo.
Next up, of course, we have Mewtwo the Unrivaled itself! Event too difficult? Missed the event? Or just want another Mewtwo? Look no further! This Mewtwo is fully trained in EVs and given a competitive set, ready to join your team.
Finally, better late than never, we’ve added Rillaboom the Unrivaled to our listings as well.
Smell ya later when the DLC drops in the middle of the month!