February 2020 Update
February Statistics
Month / Game | Gen 6 | Gen 7 | Gen 8 | Home |
December-19 | 60 | 157 | 10350 | 0 |
January-20 | 96 | 450 | 7410 | 0 |
February-20 | 722 | 4219 | 8746 | 1874 |
Total | 11404 | 96521 | 30880 | 1874 |
Month (+Home): 13687 (15561)
Total (+Home): 138805 (140679)
Whoa, a new monthly high! With the addition of the Living Dex listing, things are probably going to start ramping up. This was a month of new daily highs and a new monthly high. Thanks for your patronage!